Frequently Asked Questions1. When do I pay for the service and is there a booking fee? 2. What if I need to cancel? 3. What's the minumum and maximum booking that you accept? 4. What happens with my keys? 5. What if my cat becomes unwell or is involved in an accident whilst I'm away? |
Answers1. When do I pay for the service and is there a booking fee? The fee for your booking must be received by us before the start of your trip. We are a small business and it is easier for us to manage our income and outgoings if we don't have to chase payments. We don't charge a separate booking fee at the time of your booking, we simply add your cat's name to the diary for the dates you require. 2. What if I need to cancel? When you have made a booking with us, whether it be via FB Messenger, Whatsapp, Email, Text or Phonecall that booking is an official booking unless you tell us at the time of making the booking that it is only tentative. This means that your cat's name will be in the diary and a cat concierge will be paid and made available for that slot of time you have requested. That slot cannot then be sold to another client. Our cancellation policy is outlined below. We have made our policy as fair as possible and as long as you give us 7 clear days notice there will be no fee to pay. Fees are non refundable should you return before assignment is due to end or become unable to/decide not to travel at the last minute. If you have neglected to pay upfront for a canceled booking the monies for said booking must be paid to the usual account within 7 days of the cancellation. You must receive a response from Candyfloss Cats acknowledging the cancellation before it is considered cancelled (i.e. a text message after office hours the night before will not suffice for the cancellation of a 7am breakfast visit). Charges for cancelled bookings: 1) Bookings cancelled when there are more than 7 days until your planned departure incur no fee. Bookings canceled or amended with less than 7 clear days until your booking begins will incur 100% of the originally stated fee. We understand that life is unpredictable and in exceptional circumstances (such as the death of your pet or a family member) we may waive this cancellation fee at our discretion. 3. What's the minimum and maximum booking that you accept? The minimum booking is one visit and the longest booking we have had was three months with the client working away from home midweek and returning home at weekends. 4. What happens to my keys? The majority of our clients leave their keys with us for ease of future bookings. We will collect your keys from you during our free initial consultation when we meet you and your cat in your own home. If you would rather we drop your keys through the letterbox on the last visit, please ensure that a neighbour holds a spare set in case you are unespectetly waylaid. We are happy to provide a free key holding service whereby your keys are stored securely with just your cat's name on the fob until the next time you wish to book with us. The initial key pickup is free of charge and subsequent key collections are charged at £10. Clients who leave their keys with us receive priority at peak times and are able to book in at the last minute via text message. 5. What if my cat becomes unwell or is involved in an accident whilst I'm away? All cat concierges have a recent qualification in Pet First Aid along with a thorough understanding of cat behaviour. If we are concerned about your cat's welfare for whatever reason we will contact you in the first instance and if we are unable to get hold of you we will contact your emergency contact person. In a critical situation we will transport your cat to the vet or emergency vet hospital for examination and treatment if necessary. We charge £15 per half an hour for this service and you will be responsible for any veterinary fees incurred. We treat all cats in our care as if they were our own beloved pets so please rest assured that you will be kept in the loop and that your cat is in safe, responsible, experienced hands at all times. 6. What is the process if I want to go ahead and book for the first time?
7. Where did the name Candyfloss Cats come from? Candy and Floss were Emily's very first clients in 2009. (UPDATED JANUARY 2024) |