All carers at Candyfloss Cats are covered by products/public liability insurance for loss and/or damage to third party property and/or bodily injury to third party persons arising out of his/her activities as a registered pet sitter. We are insured by PET PLAN SANCTUARY and details of this cover can be found at
The assignment fee must be received in full before the start of the assignment.
Cancelations: Fees are non-refundable should you return before assignment is due to end or become unable to/decide not to travel at the last minute. If you have neglected to pay upfront for a canceled booking the monies for said booking must be paid into our account within 7 clear days of the cancelation. You must receive a response from Candyfloss Cats acknowledging the cancelation before it is considered canceled (please note that a text message after office hours the night before will not suffice for the cancelation of a 7am breakfast visit). Charges for canceled bookings are as follows; 1) Bookings canceled when there are more than 7 clear days until your planned departure incur no fee. 2) Bookings canceled with less than 7 days until your planned departure are charged at 100% of the total cost of your booking. We understand that life is unpredictable and in exceptional circumstances may waive this cancelation fee at our discretion. Once a booking has been made a carer will be made available for you and that booking slot will not be available to another client.
In the extremely unlikely event that Candyfloss Cats has to cancel an assignment all fees will be refunded to the client.
You are responsible for providing all food, treats, medicine, cat litter and anything else your cat will need during the entire length of your absence. If these items are not provided in sufficient quantities, they will be bought by the carer and charged to you upon your return. Each trip to the supermarket that we make will be charged at £10. We will advise you of this at the time if the situation arises.
If there is an emergency situation regarding the health of your cat/s, please rest assured that all carers have completed a cat first aid course. If we are concerned about your pet we will try to contact you in the first instance. Failing that we will call the number of your emergency contact. If your pet requires a trip to the vet we will transport them to your own veterinary surgeon or if this is not possible due to distance or opening hours we will attend the nearest surgery if we deem the situation time critical. A vet trip is charged at £20 per 30 minutes to include transportation costs. The cost of any necessary treatment will be your responsibility. If you are unable to pay the vet fees directly with them over the phone or online, we will pay it with the understanding that you will repay us within 7 days of returning from your trip. We recommend alerting your vet before your trip that a carer from Candyfloss Cats Ltd will be responsible for your cat if your trip is 7 or more days in length.
Carers working for Candyfloss Cats are a small team of independent contractors fully trained and monitored by the company manager. Candyfloss Cats has taken care to ensure that all it’s carers are covered by Petplan Sanctuary Insurance and are security vetted with recent Scottish Disclosure Certificates for your peace of mind. For continuity and your cat’s comfort, wherever possible, it will be the same carer who visits your cat/s for the duration of your booking. Details of our carers can be found on our website
Candyfloss Cats will not be held responsible for damage to carpets, rugs, furniture, personal belongings, floors, plants or lawns caused by cats scratching, urinating, spraying vomiting or defecating. Every reasonable effort will be made to clean up messes caused by cats that are found by the carer with cleaning materials made available by the client. You will be kept updated of any damage we consider unusual and of course if we are concerned about the health of your cat we will alert you immediately.
When returning from your time away you have an obligation to text Candyfloss Cats to confirm your return. If we do not hear from your within 24 hours of our final visit we will try to contact you. If we are unable to reach you, the carer will continue the assignment and charges will apply.
We will aim to carry your visits at the same times each day to stick to a routine. It is understood that visitation times are approximate. AM visits are carried out between 6am and 1030am. PM visits are carried out between 4pm and 7pm. Specifically timed visits such as visits to diabetic cats/cats on medication/specific diets will be prioritised to stick to the cat’s routine. If you require a visit before 6am or after 7pm this visit will be charged at double time.
Your carer from Candyfloss Cats is likely to take pictures of your cat for our social media. We make every effort to ensure that the photographs will not have any personal data such as family photos in the background or your name/address/phone number on the cat’s name tag or anything else which will make it obvious where the cat lives or who it belongs to. If your cat is the private type please tell us and the photos will remain between us and you via email/text message/Whatsapp.
We will collect your keys from you during our free initial consultation when we meet you and your cat in your own home. The majority of our clients leave their key with us for ease of future bookings. If you would prefer us to post your keys through the letterbox, please ensure that a nearby relative/friend/neighbour holds a spare set of keys. This is to avoid the possibility of you not making it home and your cat being stuck behind a locked door that no one nearby has the key to. We are happy to provide a free key holding service whereby your keys are stored securely (with just your cat's name on the fob) until the next time you wish to book with us. The initial key pickup is free of charge and subsequent key collections are charged at £10. Clients who leave their keys with us receive priority at peak times and are able to book in at the last minute via text message.
Updated February 2024